Tuesday, November 29, 2016

AIC Men's Soccer Blog #6

                  Comparing 2015 to 2016

AIC Men's soccer 2015 season-
In 2015 the AIC Men's soccer team finished with an overall record of 4-8-5, (2-6-5) in conference. This led them to finished 11th overall in the conference. At home they had a record of 3-1-5 and away they finished 1-7-0. AIC scored 17 goals in 2015, averaging 1 goal a game. They took 211 shots throughout the season and 95 of those were on target. They only had 11 assists throughout the season. 

AIC Men's soccer 2016 season-
in 2016 the AIC Men's soccer team finished with an overall record of 8-9-1, (6-6-1) in conference. Finishing 7th overall in the conference. Four positions higher than they finished the previous year, and this led them to clinch a spot in the playoffs for the first time since 2014. At home the yellow jackets had a record of 4-3-0, and an away record 3-6-1. The team scored 32 goals in the season, averaging 1.78 goals a game. They had 22 assists. Almost doubling this in both these categories! 

Here is where your YellowJackets rank amongst their competition in the Northeast-10 Conference:

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